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By D. E. Phillips-El


Act# 5 of the additional Laws tells us in part, "Let every member exercise his five senses who is "able to do so. because out from your Sunday School comes the guiders of the nation".


Every member means all in attendance. Most of what we learn Is born through our Sunday School lessons. All members should participate as to get a clear understanding of what and how important it is for us to learn to be guiders of our nation.


Bro. R. Love-El (Past G.S. of the M.S.T. OF. A.), once told the Moors. "You can not teach what you don't know". Sunday School is a time for us to be right on point, or wrong in our understanding.  This is the time for those who know well can correct us whom we are In error In our understanding. Over the years many things have been told to us on the highways and byways of life, but Prophet Jesus told Barato in chapter (11), “Man knows naught by being told, man may believe what others say, but thus he never knows, if man would know, he must himself be what he knows”.


Members when attending Sunday School should always have pencil and paper in hand and be able to hear without his passions, because often times we don’t agree.  However since studying to be a guider of a nation is an ongoing process, your studies should continue even after the Sunday School period has ended.


Make time for study and this will enable you to teach what our prophet taught and not rely on what you have been told.  Remember, “A wise man laboreth in vain for his own approbation.





By D. E. Phillips-El


Our Holy 'prophet, said, "A good Moorish leader must study his Holy Koran and Divine Constitution". 'Since the Moorish 'Science Temple of America is geared towards raising leaders, this means you. Always remember that it is an honor to speak and teach a group pf Moors across a podium.

 In order for your words to have meaning, your total character should have meaning.  This means that all members, head officials alike, character should be a shining light that leads others to salvation. 

The 'Holy Koran chapter 40, Instruction (14) says, "why bestoweth in every man the flattery of unmeaning words? Thou knowest, when returned to thee, thou regardest it not". When a member speaks across the podium, his words should have meaning. Speaking across the podium is not a time to attempt to impress the members, but to inspire them.

Members should prepare by studying their Holy Koran, learning the meaning of words, as not to read through them, but be able to give a clear and concise meaning of what that particular chapter is conveying. First and foremost, learn to be respected and admired because of what you know and live by. This alone is a lesson for others in itself, and will teach others how one must be prepared when coming across the podium.