Each month,
we will highlight and honor two brothers within our membership. The criteria to be nominated and awarded "Moor of the
Month" is fo rthis honorable brother to display good character, charitable acts for others, and volunteer
services that uplift fallen humanity.
Moor of the Month
Bro. R. A Sutton-El proclaimed
his nationality with us according to Act #6 of the Divine Constitution and By Laws in 1995.
Since his declaration, Bro. K. Sutton-El has held a multitude of functions amongst the ranks of the Moors, including
Acting Grand Sheik.
He is currently our Acting Drill Sgt.
Mufti here at Kinross Missionary Temple
#43. Bro. K. Sutton-EI has learned a litany of skills contributed through our Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s teachings. As evidenced through his Leadership, Communication, Clerical,
Business and Organizational Skills. He is also the Young People Moorish National League Organizer, and Special Project Coordinator
at this Missionary Temple.
He is c Musician and plays eight different instruments, and in his own words said; "I am a master musician".
Bro. K. Sutton-El is a beacon of light,
whose character truly says to others to believe in the capacity of our brothers to exceed in life in spite of the trials and
failures of some. He is studious in his interest and diligent in all of his affairs. He is the very proud father of two beautiful
daughters, that he joyously admits Allah has blessed him with.
In a brief biography about himself he
had this to say; "I really appreciate being acknowledged as one of the Moors of the Month, but what I do, I do because it
needs to be done, and I was taught that if you can do something that needs to be done, then do it, and even though I'm often
tried by the trials of life, Brothers like our Acting Grand Sheik and his Assistant, who have been doing the work for many
years before me, motivates me to keep going in the right direction, and I am truly grateful for the many blessings that Allah
has bestowed upon me".
Brother K. Sutton-El’s words, actions and deeds have not gone unnoticed and we honor this brother with
great pride and love as Moor of the Month.