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By: Bro. K. Sutton-EI


A sister Is more special than words alone can define. She's love mixed with friendship and the best thing in life. She's so much inner beauty blended together with an outward appearance that she can make a heart smile.

A sister is one of the most precious in the story of life and she will always be the better half of you. whether you are near or apart. Together, you will have shared some of the most special moments two people have ever shared.

A sister is a perspective on the past, and she's a million favorite memories that will always last. A sister is a photograph that is one of your most treasured possessions. She's a note that arrives on a special day, and when there's news to share, she's the first one you want to call. A sister is a reminder of the blessings that comes from closeness. Sharing secrets, disclosing dreams and learning about life together. A sister is a confidante and a counselor. She's a dear and wonderful friend, and In certain ways, something like a twin.

She's someone more special than flattering words; she is someone beautiful and unique, and in so many ways, there is no one who loved so dearly then that of a sister.